Customer Center
We create fair management outcomes with a healthy sense of ethics
For LS Mtron, the most critical of the key factors for our outcomes is integrity, which is why we adhere to the principles and basics of transparency and rational operation of all of our businesses.
We operate the ethical management system to help every employee apply corporate ethics in everyday routine tasks.
Based on integrity, which is the underlying foundation for the LS management philosophy, we maintain the LS code of ethics and practice the guidelines for upstanding actions and values for every employee of the company, in our pursuit of active implementation and sustainable development
Individuals who report their own or others’ ethical violations will be rewarded, as a way of preventing more serious issues, thus contributing to the establishment of an upstanding workplace culture.
Using this system, employees can voluntarily report cases in which they unavoidably accepted financial rewards, based on the value and behavior judgment system of our [Code of Ethics].
Ethics training aims to ensure that all LS Mtron employees understand the principles of ethical management and comply with the Code of Ethics during the course of business execution, eventually creating a 「morally clean and transparent company」, and 「a reliable company trusted by customers」.
We are engaged in a range of activities to maintain a healthy working environment, including Cyber Sinmungo, our partners’ ethical management cooperation notices.